Language Version:English / Chinese 英文版 / 中文版
Binding:Hardcover / 精装、两种阅读方式(1.横翻式; 2.竖翻式)
The book Type Scene: Type Design for Event Identity delves into concepts and creative process of type design customized for event publicity. 48 fascinating event visual designs with extraordinary heading typography are selected from performances, exhibitions, campaigns around the world. Presentation in the form of an infographic on the headlines, as well as interviews and various publicity medias demonstrate inspiration, theory and practical approaches of how the type is built. In the discussion part, designers’s insights to type topics explain further the idea of creating the perfect type for a certain event.
1. 旧电影海报中的字体设计;
2. 与专业创意团队的对.,探讨字体设计的逻辑创意;
3. 48个来自世界各地的标题字体艺术设计的深入创意解析。